Vehicle Lift Inspection

Car Lift Inspections in Chicago Area - Your Safety Is Riding On It™

Vehicle Lift Inspection: Car Lift Inspectors - Chicago | PR Streich & Sons - inspection

Our Certified Inspectors will Ensure Your Lifts are Safe and Sturdy

Annual lift inspections are recommended as it is important to ensure that the lifts are still in good, safe, and fully operational condition to prevent accidents and unnecessary wear.  Insurance companies, safety departments, maintenance managers, and responsible lift owners everywhere mandate annual lift inspections.  These inspections save our customers time and money because we catch damaged parts before they are irreparable and have saved our customers and their staff from potentially dangerous conditions or costly repairs.

We provide two types of lift inspections- a general inspection and an ALI certified inspection. The general inspection covers all main functional points, and we complete most minor repairs, adjustments, and maintenance needed while onsite during the inspection.

The ALI certified inspection is a higher standard, and the Automotive Lift Institute requires that lifts pass all points related to safety prior to our inspectors applying the ALI label, the gold standard of lift inspections. We have two technicians qualified to perform Automotive Lift Inspections (ALI) throughout the Chicago area. 

Both our general safety and ALI certified inspections come with a written report out. 

We are specially trained to inspect ANY and ALL types of lifts.

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We Remind Our Customers to Schedule Annual Inspections

When you work with us, we make it easier for you to remember to have your lifts inspected by sending you a reminder. Once you schedule an appointment with us, we'll be able to determine if your lift is in good enough condition to withstand another year's usage, or if there are parts to repair. In the cases when the lift should be retired and replaced, we will help you determine if there is a better model that will satisfy your needs more than the old lift. We'll also handle the ordering and installation at competitive pricing. 

Call Us: (847) 455-1375

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